Sunday, 4 August 2024

The Stupidest Q & A Ever From Church of the Eternal Logos

David Patrick Harry, who goes by the handle Church of The Eternal Logos, is an intelligent guy who is also pretty dumb. His intelligence shines when he talks about subjects in which he is well versed such as psychedelics. His dumbness comes through when he talks about subjects in which he is not well versed such as Protestantism and the Gospel.  

During a recent livestream someone asked a rather interesting question about how the Protestants interpret the Bible.

17:06 We also had a super chat over on Streamlabs by Storm The Cat who throws in $10 and says "Do you think modern society and Technology affects the way Evangelical Protestants interpret the Bible and theology. It is hard to explain but the way they interpret the Bible seems mechanistic and soulless whereas Orthodoxy is more in harmony with nature?

Let's stop here. What is he saying yeah to? The questioner has not explained his terms which are quite vague and meaningless. How can David agree or disagree if he does not know what the question means? Already David is off to a bad start. 

What is this nonsense? Protestants advocated for the slaughter of Catholics during the French Revolution as revenge for the Thirty Years War? Citation please. How exactly is Protestantism "informed by Enlightenment values?" The Enlightenment was a rejection of all things Christian and came about two hundred yearss after the Protestant Reformation. One of its chief proponents was Voltaire who wished to stamp out Christianity. 

David is talking out of his butt here. He does this all the time. Because Protestants separated from the Catholic Church David thinks that means they are revolutionaries who sought to not only undermine the authority of the Catholic Church but also divorce themselves from the Church so completely as to start something brand new. That is an incorrect interpretation of the Protestant Reformation. 

The question was about the interpretation of the Bible and David does not even touch on that subject. Instead he links Protestantism to communism, socialism, Nazism, the French Revolution, the acceptance of homosexuality, and the Spirit of Revolution. What a load of malarkey. At no time did Protestants seek to subvert either the authority of the Roman Catholic Church or the Crown. They did seek to separate themselves from both to worship in peace. For instance when English Protestants were persecuted by Mary Queen of Scots they fled to the Netherlands and Switzerland. French and English Protestants both fled to the New World to avoid persecution. 

To say Protestantism is informed by Enlightenment values and the Spirit of Revolution is completely a-historic and without foundation. This argument has been making the rounds by people like David Patrick Harry, Jay Dyer, and Rebecca Wilson who claims feminism, Satanism, and basically doing one's own thing is an outgrowth of Protestantism. As if the men who claimed we are saved by faith alone through the grace of Jesus Christ alone would condone Satanism, feminism, or the French Revolution. Such a claim is quite a stretch. A much firmer connection would be between the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. 

David also claims that Protestants don't even have a sacramental theology because the sacraments for them are merely symbolic. That couldn't be further from the truth. 

The Westminster Confession says the following about the sacraments. 

1. Sacraments are holy signs and seals of the covenant of grace, immediately instituted by God, to represent Christ and his benefits, and to confirm our interest in him:  as also to put a visible difference between those that belong unto the Church and the rest of the world; and solemnly to engage them to the service of God in Christ, according to his Word.

2. There is in every sacrament a spiritual relation or sacramental union, between the sign and the thing signified; whence it comes to pass that the names and the effects of the one are attributed to the other.

3. The grace which is exhibited in or by the sacraments, rightly used, is not conferred by any power in them; neither doth the efficacy of a sacrament depend upon the piety or intention of him that doth administer it, but upon the work of the Spirit, and the word of institution, which contains, together with a precept authorizing the use thereof, a promise of benefit to worthy receivers.

The Heidelberg Catechism says the following about the sacraments. 

Q & A 65

Q. It is through faith alone that we share in Christ and all his benefits: where then does that faith come from?

A. The Holy Spirit produces it in our hearts by the preaching of the holy gospel, and confirms it by the use of the holy sacraments.

Q & A 66

Q. What are sacraments?

A. Sacraments are visible, holy signs and seals.They were instituted by God so that by our use of them he might make us understand more clearly the promise of the gospel, and seal that promise. And this is God’s gospel promise: to grant us forgiveness of sins and eternal life by grace because of Christ’s one sacrifice accomplished on the cross.

Does that sounds like Protestants teach the sacraments are empty symbols? Of course not. It is mind boggling that anti-Protestants such as David Patrick Harry never look at the confessions when discussing what Protestants allegedly believe. Instead they make it up as they go. 

David should never have answered the question. Instead he should have tried to figure what the question meant. Is he aware that Protestants practically invented Patristsics? This notion that Protestants rejected "the tradition of the Apostles" and divorced themselves "from Apostolic succession" and created "new interpretations and hermeneutics and Theological understandings of scripture" is pure, unadulterated horse manure and betrays a total ignorance of Protestant Biblical exegesis. Read the writings of Protestants and you will see a litany of citations from the Church Fathers. Protestants have never conceived of themselves in the caricature of "me and my Bible alone."

The question should have been rejected from the start. Not only is it loaded but the terms given are undefined. If you cannot explain your own question because its to hard to explain then you are not asking a question, you are expressing a feeling. 

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