Monday, 23 December 2024

Jay Dyer: Calvinism is...

This is a repost of an article Jay Dyer wrote in 2013 but which is no longer accessible except through the Internet Archive. This article is also not in his Big Red Book. Now, I know Jay is just having a laugh here but that is part of the problem. He has been laughing at the Reformed Faith for the past decade or more. He seems to have forgotten what Reformed Theology actually teaches which is why he says nonsense like Protestants worship the Bible and Protestantism is gnostic. 

Anyway here goes.  

Calvinism is…

"It's the way we move, sway and raise our palms to that sexy beat."

“It’s the way we move, sway and raise our palms to that sexy beat.”

By: The Gay Nazi Wizard and His Noxious Nest of Nobodies

Calvinism is dust on a Spurgeon devotional on a hearth with a kettle boiling goat’s milk for a mediocre-looking wife’s offspring, sprung from her privy parts.

Calvinism is an “elect” man in a van down by the river with a huge triple cassette tape deck running nonstop, multiple copies off of a generator about the legal status of living by the river on state property.

Calvinism is a week-long lecture on the Song of Solomon, only to retire every evening with your wife giving you zero nookie.

Calvinism is a debate on the legality of saying “missionary position.”

Calvinism is Wednesday night haircut/bible study in the farm home of the “elders.”

Calvinism is congregational ruling elders delivering your offspring through midwifery on the kitchen island.

Calvinism is debating an unknown person a thousand miles away, furiously slapping at the keyboard for hours on the Sabbath, only to immediately click over to

Calvinism is whizzing in your boxers when you first see Gary North’s luminous crown of white hair emerging over the horizon, walking towards you.

Calvinism is running AND

Calvinism is that *rush* you get at hearing “Rushdoony.”

Calvinism is rejecting lace head coverings for being too similar to lascivious lingerie.

Calvinism is trying to introduce your Confederate Civil War reenactment garb into role-playing in the bedroom: “My dear lady belle, I do believe big General Lee needs to release his musket in your sweet Georgia muffin…”

Calvinism is “celebrating” the Sadbbath.

Calvinism is celebrating the victory of “converting” your “Arminian” girlfriend, assuring you it’s safe to pursue marital regeneration.

Calvinism is secretly hoping for the saintly intercession of the Armenian Rushdoony, converting Armenian Kim Kardashian to Calvinism, through a chance glance at your blog.

Calvinism is writing a letter of writ created with ink and quill and getting it notarized to excommunicate a teenager for an erection.

Calvinism is spending 12 hours a day on your blog and Facebook decrying the ills of modern life and technology.

Calvinism is all generic ass guys with generic ass names like Joe, Gary, Steve, Doug and Craig.

"Got a light?"

“Got a light?”

Calvinism is sneaking a cigarette with RC Sproul on a golf course and thinking about how he looks like Columbo.

"Just one last question...that Romans 9..."

“Just one last question…that Romans 9…”

Calvinism is the group that prays impreccatory prayers on the Church that rents the building out to them on Sunday.

Calvinism is renting out a 3000 seat convention center for 20 people for your postmillennial conference.

Calvinism is the same fifty nerds all bumping into each other through multiple aliases they made online.

Calvinism is getting angry at this post and responding on your blog in outdated early 17th century pamphleteering-speak with a title like, “Summary Rebuttal, Rebuke and Refutation of the Multitudinous Nefarious and Noxious Scandals Propounded by the Noted Apostate Haeretick Jay’

Friday, 13 December 2024

Fr. Stephen de Young Claims the Westminster Standards Plagiarize Aquinas

The Lord of Spirits is a podcast hosted by Orthodox priest Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick and Fr. Stephen De Young. They discuss various topics from an Eastern Orthodox perspective. A recent podcast from November 15th, 2024 discussed the doctrine of election. There are many things to take issue with in this podcast but this article will deal with only two of them.

The first issue to be dealt with is Fr. De Young's claim that Calvinists ultimately define God's will as being arbitrary. 

Lord of Spirits - Israel, I Choose You! [Ep. 103]
20:16 So, Israel, right, in the Old Testament as God's chosen people. That's maybe where your your brain first goes, right? And, and that is obviously right. The adjective is used to describe Israel a lot. 
And, and, and people people from that, they get this idea of like saying, that you know, Israel is picked by God, you know from all the other nations, you know like who do they think some people even say, you know, well, who do they think they are? You know, that sort of thing, setting aside of course the big problem of what is Israel. But, but yeah there's this idea of, of, you know, God looked at all the nations and said, ah, I like this one the best. Yes, I'm going to pick this one and I'm going to, I love them more than all the other ones and they're special yeah, right? And just because I chose right, right. 

Um, this is an side note to Calvinists as we get going. See, I was about to say chose arbitrarily. If you say, if you say to Calvinists that God makes this choice arbitrarily in their system they get really mad. But I mean that's what, and they say it's not arbitrarily it's according to his good pleasure it's according to his will. Guys, the word arbitrio in Latin means will. What? Arbitrary means chosen with reference to nothing but one's will. Okay arbitrary is exactly what you say it is like definitionally arbitrary derived from the Latin arbitrio means just exactly what you say. So, in the Calvinist system God chooses arbitrarily, chooses according with reference to nothing but his will. Just will and picked Israel, right? Well, there's a problem with that. 
What we have here is the logical fallacy of equivocation. Calvinists do say God chooses according to his will and good pleasure or the good pleasure of his will. Fr. De Young says that means the choice is with reference to nothing but God's will thus it is arbitrary because will in Latin is arbitrio and the English word arbitrary is derived from that Latin word. 

This is wrong. Arbitrio is latin for "free will." Arbitrary is derived from a different Latin word, arbiter.
Arbitrary comes from Latin arbiter, which means "judge" and is the source of the English arbiter. In English, arbitrary first meant "depending upon choice or discretion" and was specifically used to indicate the sort of decision (as for punishment) left up to the expert determination of a judge rather than defined by law. Today, it can also be used for anything determined by or as if by a personal choice or whim

So, he has not even got the etymology correct. 

The fasle equivocation is claiming the English words will and arbitrary mean the same thing as the Latin word arbitrio. They do not. It should be obvious that two of those words are English while the other is Latin. Let's see how this plays out in the scriptures. 

Ephesians 1:11 reads:
In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:
The Latin Vulgate reads:
in quo etiam sorte vocati sumus praedestinati secundum propositum eius qui omnia operatur secundum consilium voluntatis suae
Ephesians 1:5 reads:
Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,
The Latin reads:
qui praedestinavit nos in adoptionem filiorum per Iesum Christum in ipsum secundum propositum voluntatis suae

The word translated will is translated voluntatis in the Latin Vulgate, not arbitrio. Voluntatis means will. Arbitrio means free will or to decide freely. They are not the same word or concept. The word arbitrio shows up in only two places in the Latin Vulgate, Numbers 30:13 (14 in the Vulgate and 2 Kings 12:4. Neither of those verses have anything to do with the will of God. 
Numbers 30:13 Every vow, and every binding oath to afflict the soul, her husband may establish it, or her husband may make it void.

2 Kings 12:4 And Jehoash said to the priests, All the money of the dedicated things that is brought into the house of the Lord, even the money of every one that passeth the account, the money that every man is set at, and all the money that cometh into any man's heart to bring into the house of the Lord,
Those verses are about free will offerings and oaths made by men. 

Thus, claiming Calvinists ultimately consider God's will to be arbitrary because the English words will and arbitrary are both derived from the Latin word arbitrio is not only a false equivalency but also theologically and grammatically incorrect. It is an ignorant dig at Calvinism and a total ignoring of the text of the Scriptures which say in many places God does everything according to his will and good pleasure. Is Fr. De Young really going to call the works of God arbitrary? Will he become a voluntarist? To be consistent he must. The only other solution is to recognize God has a revealed will and a secret will meaning God tells us what to do but he is not accountable to us to explain his purpose.
Psalm 115:3 But our God is in the heavens: he hath done whatsoever he hath pleased.
The second issue to be dealt with is Fr. De Young's ludicrous claim the Westminster Standards plagiarize the Summa Theologica.  

54:26 Calvin gets his view of predestinarianism from the Dominicans. Okay. He is not really an innovator on that particular front. Now when you get to some of the secondary doctrines related to election and reprobation, like limited atonement and stuff, then Calvin goes in a different direction, okay. But predestination and reprobation itself he's getting from the Dominican tradition within Roman Catholicism, okay. Um, to the point that if you go and read and and I do not recommend doing this, you know I give to the Presbyterians and now I take away. I don't recommend going and trying to read the Westminster standards. It is so boring. Um, it is like it is English scholasticism. It is like the most boring possible form of document, right? Like everything tedious and dry about scholasticism mixed with everything tedious and dry about English philosophy. Like in one place. But if for some reason for a class or something you have to read the Westminster standards or if you just go and look up the statement in the Westminster standards about reprobation, about people being chosen for Eternal damnation, it is straight plagiarized from the Summa Theologica of Thomas Aquinas. Like you would get kicked out of school if you turned in the Westminster standards. Uh, they'd say you you cheated off of uh old, old Thomas's, uh, paper

First of all it should be noted that Fr. De Young is admitting the Reformed doctrines of predestination and reprobation are not new. That ought to give any Catholic or Eastern Orthodox pause because the Reformers are constantly accused of innovation. Again and again opponents of Protestantism will claim Protestantism is "my and bible and me" with no reference to the Church which is a malicious caricature. Anyone who wants to debate Protestants needs to familiarize themselves with Richard Muller's Post-Reformation Reformed Dogmatics where that nonsense is thoroughly put to bed.

Oh, but it's boring reading long tomes. It's boring putting in the work to understand Protestantism. Them's the breaks. 

That brings me to the second thing which is Fr. De Young's claim the Westminster Standards plagiarizes the Summa Theologica. It is not clear if he means the Westminster Confession alone or also the Larger and Shorter Catechism. Here is the BRIEF section in the Westminster Confession concerning reprobation.

6. As God hath appointed the elect unto glory, so hath He, by the eternal and most free purpose of His will, foreordained all the means thereunto. Wherefore they who are elected being fallen in Adam are redeemed by Christ, are effectually called unto faith in Christ by His Spirit working in due season; are justified, adopted, sanctified, and kept by His power through faith unto salvation. Neither are any other redeemed by Christ, effectually called, justified, adopted, sanctified, and saved, but the elect only.

7. The rest of mankind, God was pleased, according to the unsearchable counsel of His own will, whereby He extendeth or withholdeth mercy as He pleaseth, for the glory of His sovereign power over His creatures, to pass by, and to ordain them to dishonor and wrath for their sin, to the praise of His glorious justice.

I say brief because Thomas Aquinas is never brief and there is not enough in this section that could possibly called plagiarism. However here the Summa's entire section on reprobation which for Aquinas is quite brief. 

Article 3. Whether God reprobates any man?

Objection 1. It seems that God reprobates no man. For nobody reprobates what he loves. But God loves every man, according to (Wisdom 11:25): "Thou lovest all things that are, and Thou hatest none of the things Thou hast made." Therefore God reprobates no man.

Objection 2. Further, if God reprobates any man, it would be necessary for reprobation to have the same relation to the reprobates as predestination has to the predestined. But predestination is the cause of the salvation of the predestined. Therefore reprobation will likewise be the cause of the loss of the reprobate. But this false. For it is said (Hosea 13:9): "Destruction is thy own, O Israel; Thy help is only in Me." God does not, then, reprobate any man.

Objection 3. Further, to no one ought anything be imputed which he cannot avoid. But if God reprobates anyone, that one must perish. For it is said (Ecclesiastes 7:14): "Consider the works of God, that no man can correct whom He hath despised." Therefore it could not be imputed to any man, were he to perish. But this is false. Therefore God does not reprobate anyone.

On the contrary, It is said (Malachi 1:2-3): "I have loved Jacob, but have hated Esau."

I answer that, God does reprobate some. For it was said above (Article 1) that predestination is a part of providence. To providence, however, it belongs to permit certain defects in those things which are subject to providence, as was said above (I:22:2). Thus, as men are ordained to eternal life through the providence of God, it likewise is part of that providence to permit some to fall away from that end; this is called reprobation. Thus, as predestination is a part of providence, in regard to those ordained to eternal salvation, so reprobation is a part of providence in regard to those who turn aside from that end. Hence reprobation implies not only foreknowledge, but also something more, as does providence, as was said above (I:22:1). Therefore, as predestination includes the will to confer grace and glory; so also reprobation includes the will to permit a person to fall into sin, and to impose the punishment of damnation on account of that sin.

Reply to Objection 1. God loves all men and all creatures, inasmuch as He wishes them all some good; but He does not wish every good to them all. So far, therefore, as He does not wish this particular good—namely, eternal life—He is said to hate or reprobated them.

Reply to Objection 2. Reprobation differs in its causality from predestination. This latter is the cause both of what is expected in the future life by the predestined—namely, glory—and of what is received in this life—namely, grace. Reprobation, however, is not the cause of what is in the present—namely, sin; but it is the cause of abandonment by God. It is the cause, however, of what is assigned in the future—namely, eternal punishment. But guilt proceeds from the free-will of the person who is reprobated and deserted by grace. In this way, the word of the prophet is true—namely, "Destruction is thy own, O Israel."

Reply to Objection 3. Reprobation by God does not take anything away from the power of the person reprobated. Hence, when it is said that the reprobated cannot obtain grace, this must not be understood as implying absolute impossibility: but only conditional impossibility: as was said above (I:19:3), that the predestined must necessarily be saved; yet a conditional necessity, which does not do away with the liberty of choice. Whence, although anyone reprobated by God cannot acquire grace, nevertheless that he falls into this or that particular sin comes from the use of his free-will. Hence it is rightly imputed to him as guilt.

Again I ask, where is the plagiarism? It is not in the words. Is it in the idea? If so then it is plagiarism for both Aquinas and the authors of the WCF to confess the same doctrine which is total nonsense. Billions of Christians around the globe for 2,000 years have believed, taught, and written about the same doctrines.  Fr. De Young has already noted that Calvin and Aquinas, or the Dominicans, agree on predestination. There is a whole book devoted to showing how Luther and Aquinas agree substantially. It is called Luther: Right or Wrong by Harry McSorely

Not to mention the Westminster Standards were written in English while the Summa was written in Latin. Did Fr. De Young forget about that? Funny that he tells his listeners to not read the Westminster Standards. because it is boring. Does he tell them not read the Bible because the Confession of Dositheus forbids all laity from reading the Bible?

Those are the two issues I wanted to discuss about this particular podcast. The first one is a logical fallacy and the second one is flat-out ridiculous. 

Friday, 9 August 2024

Adolph von Harnack on Picture Worship Being "The Distinctive Character of the Greek Church"

Adolph von Harnack was one of if not the most important Higher Critic scholars of the Bible during the nineteenth century. He wrote an eight volume series of books titled The History of Dogma. 

Eight volumes in four books Dover paperback edition

Read what he says makes the Greek, that is the Eastern Orthodox Church, distinctive. 

The distinctive character of the Greek Church was most clearly expressed in the worship of pictures, in the form in which it was dogmatically settled after the controversy on the subject. There had been pictures from early times, originally for decorative purposes, and afterwards for instruction, in the grave-yards, churches, memorial chapels, and houses, and fixed to all sorts of furniture. Opposition had existed, but it came to an end in the Constantinian age. The people were to learn from the pictures the histories they depicted ; they were looked on as the books of the unlearned.

At the same time the picture was to adorn holy places. But still another interest gradually made itself felt, one that had formerly been most strenuously resisted by early Christianity. It is natural for men to desire relics and images of venerated beings, to withdraw them from profane use, and to treat them with deep devotion. Christianity had originally resisted this impulse, so far as any thing connected with the deity was concerned, in order not to fall into idolatry. There was less repugnance, however, to it, when it dealt with Christ, and almost none from the first in the case of martyrs and heroic characters. From this point the veneration of relics and pictures slowly crept in again. But from the fifth century it was greatly strengthened, and received a support unheard of in antiquity, through the dogma of the incarnation and the corresponding treatment of the Eucharist. Christ was the image of God, and yet a living being, nay, a life-giving spirit, Christ had by the incarnation made it possible to apprehend the divine in a material form, and had raised sensuous human nature to the divine: the consecrated elements were ÎµÎ¹̓κόνες of Christ and yet were his very body. These ideas introduced thought to a new world. It was not only the Areopagite and the mystics who saw in all consecrated finite things the active symbol of an eternal power, or perceived the superiority of the Christian religion to all others in the very fact that it brought the divine everywhere into contact with the senses. They merely raised to the level of a philosophic view what the common man and the monk had long perceived, namely, that everything secular which has been adopted by the Church became, not only a symbol, but also a vehicle of the sacred. But amid secular things the image, which bore as it were its consecration in itself, appeared to be least secular. 

Pictures of Christ, Mary, and the saints, had been already worshipped from the fifth (fourth) century with greetings, kisses, prostration, a renewal of ancient pagan practices. In the naive and confident conviction that Christians no longer ran any risk of idolatry, the Church not only tolerated, but promoted, the entrance of paganism. It was certainly the intention to worship the divine in the material ; for the incarnation of deity had deified nature. A brisk trade was carried on in the seventh and beginning of the eighth century in images, especially by monks ; churches, and chapels were crowded with pictures and relics; the practice of heathen times was revived, only the sense of beauty was inverted. It was not fresh life that seemed fair, but, though a trace of the majestic might not be lacking, it was the life consecrated to asceticism and death. We do not know how far artistic incapacity, how far the dogmatic intention, contributed to the Byzantine ideal of the saints. " Authentic " pictures were in existence, and numberless copies were made from them. By their means, monkish piety, engaged in a stupid staring at sacred things, ruled the people, and dragged Christianity down to deeper and deeper depths. 

If you think that is only the easily discarded opinion of one German Higher Critic scholar think again. The Sunday of Orthodoxy which commemorates the day icons were restored after the Seventh Ecumenical Council is celebrated every year. Here is a sample sermon from Fr. Josiah Trenham extolling icons. 

18:08 Today, especially, we commemorate the faithfulness of the church to maintain her belief in the greatest miracle that the human race has ever witnessed, which is that God, in time, the uncreated one, became a creature.

That God, who has always been, became what he was not always a man without ceasing to be what he always was God.

This is why we confess that our Lord Jesus Christ is both, at the same time, truly God and truly man.

One Jesus, in two natures, divine and human, and that that fundamental Christian conviction, that heaven and earth have been joined, that angels of men have met, what was prophesied in the gospel reading today, that he would become a ladder upon which the angels of God would go up and down.

He would be the connector between heaven and earth, consubstantial with his father from all eternity and having a hand on his father, and consubstantial with us by his humanity, which he took in time, but maintains forever in a deified condition.

His hand on man, the ultimate savior, the reconciler, the peace between God and man, our Lord Jesus Christ, this is the gospel, the power of God under the salvation of everyone who believes.

We will never alter it, we will never give it up, and we confess it by depicting him everywhere.

Iconography is the expression of the greatest miracle that mankind has ever witnessed.

The depiction of Jesus as a human being isn't just a nice thing, it is a necessary thing, the church says.

There is no way to propagate the gospel without the words of Holy Scripture and the images of Jesus's faith, faith, period.

The iconoclast heretics who troubled the church for 150 years in the seventh and eighth century told us that this was improper, that this was a violation of the second commandment to make a graven image as though depicting the son of God in the flesh was making an idol.

Anathema to them we say today, their liars and heretics and deniers of the gospel, we will never accept the idea that Jesus must not be depicted in a holy icon.

Just like St. Victoria said, it's a foolish question why we celebrate the Eucharist as though there could be any Christian without the Eucharist, so it's a foolish question to ask why we would have a holy icon as though there could be Christianity without the depiction of Christ in image.

No iconography, no Christianity, mark my words because they're the words of the church.

Nathaniel in today's gospel who met Christ and made that beautiful confession, he held these two things together brothers and sisters.

He was a man, Jesus said, who had no guile. He was a man of virtue. What you saw was what you got. There wasn't a church Nathaniel or a Sunday Nathaniel and then a Monday through Saturday Nathaniel.

There was one Nathaniel and a guileless man, but he was also a man of the true faith. He said, rabbi, you are the son of God, you are the king of Israel. Yes, I see your body that you're a man, but you're also God's son.

This fundamental conviction, brothers and sisters, is the true faith and this is ours. And the witness of this day, climaxing the first week of Great Lent, if to hold these two things together and this is what we must do.

We must hold the faith, keep the creed, believe the gospel and seek to become guileless people like Nathaniel. This combination of faith that's working through love is what saves us and this is why we'll never give it up.

No iconography, no Christianity.

Just think about that inane statement. Without pictures of Jesus Christ there can be no Christianity. How ridiculous! As if being able to depict Christ in an icon is essential to the Christian faith when icons did not even appear until long after Christ inaugurated His Church on a good confession in Him. 

Matthew 16:15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?

16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.

17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.

18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

The Scriptures give us the key to what is essential to Christiantiy and its not icons. It is the resurrection. 
1 Corinthians 15:12 Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead, how say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead?

13 But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then is Christ not risen:

14 And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.

15 Yea, and we are found false witnesses of God; because we have testified of God that he raised up Christ: whom he raised not up, if so be that the dead rise not.

16 For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised:

17 And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.

18 Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished.

19 If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.

Take it not only from the scholar Adolph von Harnack but from a modern day Orthodox priest. Picture worship, iconography, is the distinctive character of the Greek, that is Eastern Orthodox, Church. 

Thursday, 8 August 2024

David Patrick Harry Says: First Century Christians Did not Have a Bible

I have written several articles about David Patrick Harry who goes by the name Church of the Eternal Logos and, as long as he continues to say dumb things, I will continue to do so. In a recent livestream comparing The Church of Christ with The Orthodox Church David got into a discussion about Sola Scriptura. David actually says Christians in the first century did not have a Bible. 

1:49:20 Was Sola Scriptura present in the Old Testament? Was Sola Scriptura present in the first century? So, right, like that's a fundamental problem for them. So, they're first century Christians basing their faith on scripture. Did first century Christians have a Bible to use? No. No. Absolutely not. So, so what, what role did scripture in the Bible have for first century Christians? Well, it was tradition. The Apostles, they knew what the teachings were, they knew which Epistles, they knew which Gospels, you know, out of all the Gnostic Gospels that began to emerge in the second century. First, the Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Judas, Gospel of Mary, Gospel of Peter. You know, it's the tradition, it's the church, it's the hierarchy that which protected it from all this fallible nonsense.

That David could say something so dumb is mind boggling. Does he not know what the Septuagint is?  It's the Bible of the first century Christians! Jesus stood up in the Synagogue and read from it Himself. Jesus is always referring to the Septuagint when he speaks of Himself and His mission. The Apostle Paul also cites copiously from the Septuagint in his letters. 

Perhaps David means first century Christians did not have a full Bible including both Old and New Testaments. His own statement undercuts that interpretation. 

So, so what what role did scripture in the Bible have for first century Christians? Well, it was tradition. The Apostles, they knew what the teachings were, they knew which Epistles, they knew which Gospels

According to David first century Christians knew which were the inspired and authoritative epistles and Gospels. That means they had a written collection of documents from which they drew their teaching. 

The fact that there was no official, that is canonically defined, list of books until well after Marcion forced the Church's hand by drawing up his own list is no barrier to Sola Scriptura. The Church has always had a Bible.

In Lee McDonald's book "The Biblical Canon" there are various canonical lists which do not all agree. David would have us think that this proves there was no fixed canon and because there was no fixed canon sola scriptura is invalid. This is actually wrong and McDonald on pages 216 and 217 writes the following:

There is little doubt that the core of the biblical collection of authoritative books is essentially the same collection that we no have in the Protestant OT collection. What is in question in canonical studies are book on the fringe. These fringe books included both canonical and apocryphal books, were disputed among Jews and Christians for centuries, even though many leaders in the church and synagogue freely quoted these writings in an authoritative manner, sometimes even using the designations Scripture or as it is written to refer to them. Remarkably, these disputes took place for centuries after decisions were supposedly made about its canonicity. Yet in neither group - those who accepted and those who rejected the authority of this literature - was there any noticeable change in theology.
“The decision whether to accept or reject the deuterocanonical literature is not at the core of what Christianity is all about. As the Law of Moses formed the core of the OT, so also the Gospels and Paul have been at the heart of the NT biblical canon since the second century, even though there was a great deal of dispute over the deutero-Pauline epistles (especially the Pastorals), Hebrews, the Catholic (or General) Epistles, and Revelation. The Jews and later the Christians fully accepted the Law of Moses as the core of their sacred Scriptures. Soon thereafter, most if not all of the traditional Prophets and many of the Writings were accepted as canonical, but at a secondary level of scriptural authority among the Jews. Not everyone agreed on the contents of the Writings, especially not before the time of Jesus, but the division of opinion was not over the core, but over the fringe.
The issue, writes McDonald, is fringe books and not the core. There has always been a core of canonical scripture for both Christians and Jews. At first the Christians adopted the Septuagint. Later they held the Gospels and the letters of Paul to be central to their doctrines. The very fact that there are lists at all indicates that Scripture was being appealed to as an authoritative source of doctrine. Not merely appealed to but actually built upon. Irenaus says this very thing:
We have learned from none others the plan of our salvation, than from those through whom the Gospel has come down to us, which they did at one time proclaim in public, and, at a later period, by the will of God, handed down to us in the Scriptures, to be the ground and pillar of our faith 
Irenaeus, Against Heresies 3.1.1 
The Scriptures are the ground and pillar of our faith. That is the very essence of sola scriptura. 

The reason David is wrong is because as a member of the Orthodox Church he places his faith in the hierarchy and unwritten nebulous traditions, not in the Scriptures. David Patrick Harry does not have the same faith as St. Irenaeus who said the Scriptures are the ground and pillar of our faith. 

Monday, 5 August 2024

"The Oxford Handbook of the Bible in Orthodox Christianity" on The Confession of Dositheus

It should not be a controversial thing to say the Confession of Dositheus absolutely forbids the reading of Scripture by all laymen. The words of the confession are quite plain on the matter. The Oxford Handbook of the Bible in Orthodox Christianity mentions the Confession of Dositheus on this matter in two places.

Dositheos also expanded the biblical canon, and imitating the Council of Trent, he called the Septuagint additions canonical books (Pentiuc 2014, 128). He also responded to the Loukarean thesis regarding the private reading of the Scripture by claiming that Divine Scriptures:

should not be read by all, but only by those who with fitting research have inquired into the deep things of the Spirit, and who know in what manner the Divine Scriptures ought to be searched, and taught, and in fine read. (Karmires 1953, 768; translation: Leith 1963, 506)

Recently, Belezos (2020, 68) has stressed that the Dosithean confession does not introduce a general prohibition of the private reading of the Scripture in the vernacular. Instead, Dositheos promotes three criteria for a properly Orthodox interpretation and transmission of the Bible: (1) the respect to the patristic interpretation, (2) the ecclesial experience, and (3) the illumination of the Spirit. Accordingly, the exclusive priority belongs neither to Scripture (sola scriptura) nor the ecclesial authorities (magisterium) but to the Holy Spirit that inspired the biblical authors and holds the Church together. Belezos’s claims demonstrate that Dositheos not only imitated Tridentine Catholicism but also tried to consider the traditional Byzantine theology (Russell 2013, 82). However, Loukaris also stressed the role of the Spirit. Therefore, the emphasis on the role of the Spirit in Dositheos’s strange position does not solve its problematic character. This prohibition can be explained only from the perspective of Dositheus’s passion for defending Orthodoxy. This passion led him to a decision with no parallel in the history of eastern Christianity (Georgi 1941, 56).

pg. 283

The author of this essay, Athanathios Despotis, calls this prohibition "problematic" and "with no parallel in the history of eastern Christianity."

The second place where the Confession of Dositheus' prohibition of the Christian laity reading Scripture is discussed says the following. 

In the wake of the Protestant Reformation and an emphasis on individual reading and study of Scripture, the Orthodox Church issued several official pronouncements against private biblical study. In 1672, the Synod of Jerusalem issued what is commonly known as the Confession of Dositheus as a rebuttal to various Calvinist positions. One particular issue that was raised in the Confession of Dositheus is directly relevant to the discussion of critical study of Scripture among Orthodox. The following appears in the form of a question and answer in the Confession of Dositheus:

Question #1: Should the Divine Scriptures be read commonly by all Christians? 

Response: No. We know that all Scripture is divinely inspired and beneficial, and in this way has in it what is necessary, so that without it, it is impossible to be pious at all. Nevertheless, it should not be read by all, but only by those who with the proper investigation have inquired into the depths of the Spirit, and who know which ways the divine Scripture should to be investigated and taught, and generally read. But to those who are not trained and indifferent, or who understand only literally, or in any other way what is contained in the Scriptures that is foreign to piety, the catholic Church, knowing by experience the damage caused, does not permit its legitimate reading. It is permitted to every pious person to hear the Scripture so that that person may believe with the heart unto righteousness, and confess with the mouth unto salvation. But to read certain parts of Scripture, and especially the Old Testament, is prohibited for the aforementioned reasons and others similar to them. To order untrained persons not to read all of sacred Scripture is the same thing as restricting infants from touching solid food.

This statement on the reading and interpretation of Scripture was repeated almost verbatim in 1723 in An Exposition of the Orthodox Faith by prominent bishops, among whom were Patriarch Jeremiah III of Constantinople, Patriarch Athanasius IV of Antioch, and Patriarch Chrysanthos of Jerusalem.These Church pronouncements prohibited the reading of Scripture generally by all Orthodox Christians, except “by those who with the proper investigation have inquired into the depths of the Spirit, and who know which ways the divine Scripture should to be investigated and taught, and generally read.” The Confession of Dositheus and the Exposition of 1723 also give special emphasis to Orthodox Christians being prohibited from reading “certain parts of Scripture, but especially the Old Testament.” These Church pronouncements assert that Orthodox Christians in general are permitted to hear the Scriptures in church where they are to “believe with the heart unto righteousness, and confess with the mouth unto salvation.” In their approach to Scripture, these Church pronouncements emphasize that it is essential for Orthodox Christians to hear, believe, and confess, but not to read Scripture. Moreover, nothing is said about the necessity of Orthodox Christians understanding the Scriptures. Indeed, in the response to Question #2 in the Confession of Dositheus as well as in the Exposition of 1723, it is asserted that only those “trained in wisdom and holiness” can understand the content of Scripture.

Despite these restrictions, the desire for general reading of Scripture by Orthodox and the influence of historical criticism began to be felt slowly in Greece in the 1830s.

pg. 323-324

This author, John Fotopoulos, notes that Dositheus' approach to scripture was an emphasis on the laity hearing and believing without reading or understanding the Scriptures being of any necessity. The prohibition of reading the Scripture "was repeated almost verbatim" in An Orthodox Exposition of the Faith published in 1723. Here is a translation from 1865. The citation is on pages 87 and 88.

Fotopoulos then goes on to note that "these restrictions" have basically been ignored. A long dissertation follows unpacking that observation. 

Is it any wonder Dositheus' prohibition of reading Scripture by the laity has been ignored? It is not only utterly absurd to deny the laity the right to read the Word of God but, as previously noted, it is without precedent in the history of Eastern Christianity. One only needs to read Chrysostom, the great preacher of Constantinople, to see he constantly berated his parishioners for being ignorant of the Scriptures and implored them to read them.

And yet, not only was this prohibition repeated at least twice in official and confessional Orthodox documents, it has never been overturned. The Confession of Dositheus, along with its prohibition of the laity from reading Scripture, remains in force to this day.

Sunday, 4 August 2024

The Stupidest Q & A Ever From Church of the Eternal Logos

David Patrick Harry, who goes by the handle Church of The Eternal Logos, is an intelligent guy who is also pretty dumb. His intelligence shines when he talks about subjects in which he is well versed such as psychedelics. His dumbness comes through when he talks about subjects in which he is not well versed such as Protestantism and the Gospel.  

During a recent livestream someone asked a rather interesting question about how the Protestants interpret the Bible.

17:06 We also had a super chat over on Streamlabs by Storm The Cat who throws in $10 and says "Do you think modern society and Technology affects the way Evangelical Protestants interpret the Bible and theology. It is hard to explain but the way they interpret the Bible seems mechanistic and soulless whereas Orthodoxy is more in harmony with nature?

Let's stop here. What is he saying yeah to? The questioner has not explained his terms which are quite vague and meaningless. How can David agree or disagree if he does not know what the question means? Already David is off to a bad start. 

What is this nonsense? Protestants advocated for the slaughter of Catholics during the French Revolution as revenge for the Thirty Years War? Citation please. How exactly is Protestantism "informed by Enlightenment values?" The Enlightenment was a rejection of all things Christian and came about two hundred yearss after the Protestant Reformation. One of its chief proponents was Voltaire who wished to stamp out Christianity. 

David is talking out of his butt here. He does this all the time. Because Protestants separated from the Catholic Church David thinks that means they are revolutionaries who sought to not only undermine the authority of the Catholic Church but also divorce themselves from the Church so completely as to start something brand new. That is an incorrect interpretation of the Protestant Reformation. 

The question was about the interpretation of the Bible and David does not even touch on that subject. Instead he links Protestantism to communism, socialism, Nazism, the French Revolution, the acceptance of homosexuality, and the Spirit of Revolution. What a load of malarkey. At no time did Protestants seek to subvert either the authority of the Roman Catholic Church or the Crown. They did seek to separate themselves from both to worship in peace. For instance when English Protestants were persecuted by Mary Queen of Scots they fled to the Netherlands and Switzerland. French and English Protestants both fled to the New World to avoid persecution. 

To say Protestantism is informed by Enlightenment values and the Spirit of Revolution is completely a-historic and without foundation. This argument has been making the rounds by people like David Patrick Harry, Jay Dyer, and Rebecca Wilson who claims feminism, Satanism, and basically doing one's own thing is an outgrowth of Protestantism. As if the men who claimed we are saved by faith alone through the grace of Jesus Christ alone would condone Satanism, feminism, or the French Revolution. Such a claim is quite a stretch. A much firmer connection would be between the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. 

David also claims that Protestants don't even have a sacramental theology because the sacraments for them are merely symbolic. That couldn't be further from the truth. 

The Westminster Confession says the following about the sacraments. 

1. Sacraments are holy signs and seals of the covenant of grace, immediately instituted by God, to represent Christ and his benefits, and to confirm our interest in him:  as also to put a visible difference between those that belong unto the Church and the rest of the world; and solemnly to engage them to the service of God in Christ, according to his Word.

2. There is in every sacrament a spiritual relation or sacramental union, between the sign and the thing signified; whence it comes to pass that the names and the effects of the one are attributed to the other.

3. The grace which is exhibited in or by the sacraments, rightly used, is not conferred by any power in them; neither doth the efficacy of a sacrament depend upon the piety or intention of him that doth administer it, but upon the work of the Spirit, and the word of institution, which contains, together with a precept authorizing the use thereof, a promise of benefit to worthy receivers.

The Heidelberg Catechism says the following about the sacraments. 

Q & A 65

Q. It is through faith alone that we share in Christ and all his benefits: where then does that faith come from?

A. The Holy Spirit produces it in our hearts by the preaching of the holy gospel, and confirms it by the use of the holy sacraments.

Q & A 66

Q. What are sacraments?

A. Sacraments are visible, holy signs and seals.They were instituted by God so that by our use of them he might make us understand more clearly the promise of the gospel, and seal that promise. And this is God’s gospel promise: to grant us forgiveness of sins and eternal life by grace because of Christ’s one sacrifice accomplished on the cross.

Does that sounds like Protestants teach the sacraments are empty symbols? Of course not. It is mind boggling that anti-Protestants such as David Patrick Harry never look at the confessions when discussing what Protestants allegedly believe. Instead they make it up as they go. 

David should never have answered the question. Instead he should have tried to figure what the question meant. Is he aware that Protestants practically invented Patristsics? This notion that Protestants rejected "the tradition of the Apostles" and divorced themselves "from Apostolic succession" and created "new interpretations and hermeneutics and Theological understandings of scripture" is pure, unadulterated horse manure and betrays a total ignorance of Protestant Biblical exegesis. Read the writings of Protestants and you will see a litany of citations from the Church Fathers. Protestants have never conceived of themselves in the caricature of "me and my Bible alone."

The question should have been rejected from the start. Not only is it loaded but the terms given are undefined. If you cannot explain your own question because its to hard to explain then you are not asking a question, you are expressing a feeling.