Friday, 13 September 2019

St. Augustine on Theosis or Divnization

I have not published on this blog in quite a while which is a shame because I have been reading so much and learning even more. Therefore I am going to start publishing quotes of interest I come across while reading. At the moment I am reading  St. Augustine's "On the Psalms" which is volume 8 in the Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers series.  In his exposition of Psalm 53 St. Augustine briefly touches on the doctrine of theosis or divinization. This is the doctrine that our salvation consists in us becoming partakers of the divine nature (2 Peter 1:4) and sharing in the uncreated glory which the Father gave to the Son (John 17:22). Such a doctrine of soteriology is completely at odds with the forensic justification of legal declaration of non-guilt and the imputation of the righteousness of Christ which is the basis of the Protestant doctrine of salvation. The righteousness imputed to us in the Protestant scheme is the created righteousness of Christ's human merits and not his own essential righteousness. Thus in Protestantism one is not really partaking of the divine nature or really even united to Christ.

5. What is that which looking forth we acknowledge? What is that which looking forth God acknowledges? What (because here He gives it) does He acknowledge? Hear what it is; that All have gone aside, together useless they have become: there is not one that does good, there is not so much as one. What then is that other question, but the same whereof a little before I have made mention? If, There is not one that does good, is not so much as one, no one remains to groan amid evil men. Stay, says the Lord, do not hastily give judgment. I have given to men to do well; but of Me, He says, not of themselves: for of themselves evil they are: sons of men they are, when they do evil; when well, My sons. For this thing God does, out of sons of men He makes sons of God: because out of Son of God He has made Son of Man. See what this participation is: there has been promised to us a participation of Divinity: He lies that has promised, if He is not first made partaker of mortality. For the Son of God has been made partaker of mortality, in order that mortal man may be made partaker of divinity. He that has promised that His good is to be shared with you, first with you has shared your evil: He that to you has promised divinity, shows in you love. Therefore take away that men are sons of God, there remains that they are sons of men: There is none that does good, is not so much as one.

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